Wednesday, May 15, 2013

11 Tips to save money

save money

1. Walk down to the station if its just 15 minutes. If not, then bus. This can surprisingly,    
    save you loads of money in long term.

2. Throw away your credit card. The interest charged is more than 30%.

3. Buy Non-Perishable items in bulk with friends.

4. Shop a lot! But only during sale. And look out for discount coupons and codes.

5. Have 3 months contingency fund in your account. Dont touch unless emergency.

6. Educate yourself on Personal Finance basics. Its easy and can have tremendous positive 
    effect in your life.

7. Skip CCD, Hang out in a Chaiwala or at a Dhabha.

8. Have a fixed automatic amount tranferred to a mutual fund at the start of every month.

9. Eat lite before going to Fine Dine. Good for your body and Wallet.

10. Take less then 5 minuted to write down your expenses every day.

11. Buy Generic Medicines. It costs 10x less then branded medicines.

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