Friday, March 15, 2013

Top 10 Reasons To Drink Water

Water is the most abundant natural resource in the world. It is also one of the key ingredients in the human body and its major organs. So is it really all that shocking that water holds the not-so-secret-secret to better health? Here are Top 10 reasons to drink water.
water glass

1. Weight Loss

Water is the only beverage or liquid that contains zero calories with no extra sugars that convert into fats. Water actually helps break down fats and fat by-products sitting in your body today. Water also helps you control your appetite and boosts the metabolism. The consumption of 1.5 liters of water will burn 17,400 calories or 5 pounds.

2. Body Temperature Regulator

The body regulates its temperature through increased or decreased blood flow that transports body heat through your veins and arteries. When you are hot your body increases blood flow, resulting in flushed warm skin due to increased blood flow and heat being transferred to the skin.

3. Energy Booster

When working out it stands to reason that you need to drink water, but what about regular activities throughout the day? Your body still needs water to walk to the bus, metro, or even just sit at your desk on a daily basis. When your body has insufficient water levels, you will in turn have insufficient energy levels.

4. Decreases Stress

Dehydration is stressful to your body, resulting in headaches, injury, and lower energy levels. You may not be surprised by the previous effects, but you might be surprised to learn that water impacts your stress level. When we are dehydrated the body produces and releases the stress hormone, cortisol. So keep a bottle of water on your desk for a mini body meditation session in the middle of the day.

5. Younger Looking Skin

How much do you spend on anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, extra-glow, age defying creams? Do your budget a favor this year, drop the creams and pick up a glass of water! Dry skin, wrinkles, fine lines, and stretch marks can all be treated from more moisture from the inside out. Water purifies and cleanses your skin inside and out, so with regular bathing habits and drinking water regularly you can prevent, treat, and save money on your skin.
Fact: Regular bathing pampers your body and mind and the water softens skin tissue.

6. Better than Excedrin

Headaches are a pain – so obviously we take pain-relievers to make it through the day with them! This is a temporary relief, not a solution for your headache problem. Water is a much better long-term solution. The brain is comprised of 90% water, so it stands to reason that when you are dehydrated the result is a headache. Prevention is the best answer by drinking plenty of water even when you don’t feel thirsty.

7. Toxin Flush

Everyday our body collects and strains toxins from food, beverages, and environmental toxins we are exposed to on a regular basis. These collect mostly in the kidneys where they are diluted for excretion. Drinking water helps flush these toxins to prevent build up in the kidneys that can result in kidney stones, Urinary Tract Infections, and even potentially cancers.

8. Muscle Building

Whether you are hoping to tone up or bulk up, any personal trainer will push water throughout a work-out. Muscles are made up of 75% of water and water acts as lubrication for between your joints and replaces electrolytes in the body necessary for proper body functions. Water paired with regular exercise can increase your overall health and body tone.

9. Health Problem Prevention

The human body is made up of 66% water and comprises much of our most vital organs and body components. For example, the brain is 90% water, blood is 83% water, muscle is 75% water, and bone is 22% water. With the daily suggested daily serving of water being 8 glasses a day, it is unsurprising that drinking only 1-2 glasses a day can drastically affect your health.

10. Heart Protection

Juices, sodas, and other liquid beverages are large contributors of fast sugars that are the cause of triglyceride increase in the body. Triglycerides are basically fats that are cause an increase in risk for possible heart attack. Not only does water not contain any sugars but it keeps blood thin and prevents artery clogging from other fats in the body.

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