Saturday, December 22, 2012

Delete Autorun.inf Virus without using any Antivirus

The Most frustrating moment when your computer get infected by Autoun.inf virus . Well actually Autorun.inf virus mostly comes from USB and there are several software are their 
to remove autorun.inf virus but today i am going to explain you a short and sweet method to remove autorun.inf virus from your computer . Sometimes we open the USB without 
scanning it or if you are lazy like me then probably you don't think it would be good to scan USB before using it right ? Yeah we live in this world where we don't have time to wait that's the reason we don't scan USB but trust me make a habit to do it because its the main reason why your computer always run slow . Well i don't want to take your much time so come to the point .

Remove Autorun.inf Virus Manually 
Before starting i have a question for you ? Do you the Basic Dos Commands ? if Yes , then you can easily remove all viruses without the help of mine , but if No , then don't worry i 

will explain you little about Dos Commands . 
Open dos .
Start --> Run --> Enter " cmd " and press enter .
Now enter " cd\ " and press enter . you will come to your root directory .

Now type " attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf " and press enter . 
It will show you the hidden autorun.inf virus in C drive because you are currently in C drive .
Type " del autorun.inf " Press enter , it will delete the virus if it is present on that drive .
Congrats your C drive is safe . Now what if autorun.inf virus is present in G Drive ? You have to Repeat all the steps for G Drive . 

Type" cls " and hit enter . Cls command is used to clear the screen . Now type " G: " and hit enter . Welcome now you are in G drive . Repeat the steps again type " attrib -h -r -s 
autorun.inf " and press enter .

Now type " del autorun.inf " and hit enter .
Now repeat the same process for all the Remaining Drives . 
Restart your computer and you are done .

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